Writing a custom Config File

Configuration Files for Prometheus are just lua modules, that return a single object, which contains the configuration. Let's say we have the following config file:

return {
        -- The default LuaVersion is Lua51
        LuaVersion = "Lua51"; -- or "LuaU"
        -- All Variables will start with this prefix
        VarNamePrefix = "";
        -- Name Generator for Variables that look like this: b, a, c, D, t, G
        NameGenerator = "MangledShuffled";
        -- No pretty printing
        PrettyPrint = false;
        -- Seed is generated based on current time 
        -- When specifying a seed that is not 0, you will get the same output every time
        Seed = 0;
        -- Obfuscation steps
        Steps = {
                -- This obfuscation step puts all constants into an array at the beginning of the code
                Name = "ConstantArray";
                Settings = {
                    -- Apply to Strings only
                    StringsOnly = true;
                    -- Apply to all Constants, 0.5 would only affect 50% of strings
                    Treshold    = 1;

One can now obfuscate a script using this configuration by running:

lua ./cli.lua --config config.lua hello_world.lua

You should get the following output:

local N={"Hello, World!"}local function k(k)return N[k+40058]end print(k(-40057))

As you can see, the only transformation that was applied to our Hello World example was putting all strings (in this case only "Hello, World!" ) into an array and creating a wrapper function for retrieving the value.

How does the Config File work?

The config file is simply a lua file, that returns the configuration object. Please note that this lua file is sandboxed by Prometheus when loading the configuration, meaning that you can't use any predefined functions like tostring or libraries like math.

See The Config Object to learn what this configuration object consists of.

Last updated