Using Prometheus in your Lua Application

Prometheus can also be used as a library for your custom Lua Applications instead of using it's cli tool.

In order to do that you'll first need to clone the github repo:

git clone ""

After that, you'll need to copy everything within the src folder to your project. Let's say you created a folder named prometheus, where all the Prometheus files are located. You can the use the following code to obfuscate a string:

local Prometheus = require("prometheus.prometheus")

-- If you don't want console output
Prometheus.Logger.logLevel = Prometheus.Logger.LogLevel.Error

-- Your code
local code = 'print("Hello, World!")'

-- Create a Pipeline using the Strong preset
local pipeline = Prometheus.Pipeline:fromConfig(Prometheus.Presets.Strong)

-- Apply the obfuscation and print the result

Instead of passing the Strong preset you could also pass a custom Config Object.

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